Sunday 30 November 2008

No Educator Left Behind

What is the (Next) Message?: Big Ideas: No Educator Left Behind: "as a result of the changes the internet has brought to the way students communicate and interact, universities, if they are to remain relevant, must move from the current model of education as skills centered to one that is more focused on connectivity."

on a related note:
the above video can serve as a trailer/teaser for the full lecture; Mark is interviewed by GlobalTV on his take on the Ryerson Facebook Scandal.
Mark's address to TVO follows up on his famous essay, "Why Johnny Can't Read", Mark opens with the Fable of the Engineering Student, The College and The Facebook Studygroup...

TVO being strictly old-school communications has never heard of Facebook and only packaged the full video presentation for MOV file download; catch it at TVO: Big Ideas